A+ Content (EBC)

Once you’ve driven the relevant traffic to the listing, you’ll need this traffic to buy from you. One of the most powerful tools for user retention that Amazon offers is definitely A+ content. A+ content (previously known as EBC content) is an additional space on the product listing page that allows you to explain your product’s features in more detail, with additional imagery that helps you stand out from the competition.

What are the benefits of A+ Content?

Here are some of the main advantages.
  • The in-store experience is key for registered brands to drive customer loyalty and sales increase. Some of the key features of your own storefront on Amazon include customizable layouts that allow you to make a unique design, built-in social media sharing buttons, and featuring of your own selection of products.
  • The main benefits of having your own storefront on Amazon are: telling your own brand’s story in a manner consistent with your website’s, having a custom URL with brand analytics that will provide you with the right information about new-to-brand purchases, encouraging brand loyalty and overall increased sales.
  • Create an engaging shopping experience for newcomers as well as customers loyal to your brand, by showing them a multi-page storefront consistent with the one you have on your e-commerce website.
  • We build storefronts that use the latest modern trends in visual content and curated display to communicate your brand’s message exactly how your audience needs to hear it.

Ecomeryx EBC Examples

Our Enhanced Brand A+ Content

Service Consists of:

  • Keyword Research
  • Image Editing
  • Copywriting
  • EBC Design Using Custom Templates
  • EBC Publishing on Seller Central
  • Alt Text Search Terms (highly technical)


Crafting product descriptions that effectively showcase a product’s features and benefits is crucial for attracting potential customers and increasing sales. This is where good copywriting comes into play. Additionally, optimizing product listings for specific keywords is an essential part of SEO, which can boost a product’s visibility and sales by increasing its chances of appearing near the top of search results.

If your current product description is imprecise, short, or impersonal, it may not be effectively selling your product. With so many options on Amazon, it’s important to have a listing that stands out and captures the attention of potential customers. Our copywriting service can help take the burden of creating a compelling product description off your shoulders.

Our experienced professional copywriters are skilled at crafting informative, detailed, and engaging copy that connects with customers on a personal level. By highlighting the benefits of your product and showing customers how it can enhance their lives, we can help improve your conversion rates, increase sales, and boost your Best Sellers ranking. Our copywriting service can also help optimize your titles, product descriptions, bullet points, crawlable text, and image text to create well-optimized listings that will give your product an edge over competitors.

Let us help you showcase your product in the best possible light and achieve greater success on Amazon. Contact us today to get started!

What is EBC / A+ Content?

Enhanced Brand A+ Content gives sellers within Amazon Brand Registry the opportunity to modify their product descriptions with images and various text placements. EBCs let sellers tell their brand stories and showcase their products.

Sellers can use EBCs to describe specific product features, compare a line of products, and display additional lifestyle photos.

Learn About the NEW Brand Story Module:

Benefits of Enhanced Brand Content

Well-designed Enhanced Brand Content can increase customer engagement, and lead to higher conversion rates. EBCs also provide another opportunity to increase search rankings by including relevant copy and image keywords.

EBCs are especially important in highly competitive fields as customers may use EBC as the deciding factor when choosing between multiple brands.


Enhanced Brand FAQs

Need more help? Contact us with any
questions or concerns

what files do you need from us?

Graphics, logos, pictures, images, or copy that you would prefer to use.

What format can you use for our files?

Everything from Google Drive to Dropbox, WeTransfer, and Sigma Files.

Can i get the source file?

If you have any brand registry issues, the brand is not set with a proper brand node ID or the A+ content won’t be attached to the SKU, or any other conditions that prevent A+ content from publishing, this is out of scope for this design order. You will need to pay for additional troubleshooting to get this resolved. We will deliver the A+ content on the account and you can decide how to move forward.